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Eighth Meeting of the Second Council and the 15th Executive Council of CASWSS Successfully Held


On 5 May, 2023, the eighth meeting of the second council and the 15th executive council of the China Association of Social Welfare and Senior Service (CASWASS) were held in Beijing. Feng Xiaoli, President of CASWSS, Zhang Mingliang, Executive Vice President of CASWSS, Vice Presidents Li Jianjun, Liu Yutong, Yao Li, Tian Lanning, Chen Wenlong, Guo Qing, Zhu Yushan, Meng Fanli, Li Bin, Guo Xiaozhong, Xu Jiazeng, Yang Naifa and Che Chengjun, and Han Hua, Secretary General attended the meeting. The meeting was chaired by Executive Vice President Zhang Mingliang.


There were 446 directors attending the meeting, 323 were actually present, more than two-thirds of the representatives should be present, which is in line with the provisions of the association's charter, and the meeting was real and effective.


Before the eighth meeting of the second council of CASWSS, the fifteenth standing council of the second council of CASWSS was firstly held. The meeting deliberated and adopted the "Voting Methods for the Election of the Fifteenth Standing Council of the Second Council of CASWSS and the List of Scrutineers" and the "Agenda of the Eighth Meeting of the Second Council of CASWSS", and identified Feng Liwei and Chen Dongsheng as the scrutineers.

Feng Xiaoli, President of CASWSS delivered a speech

Zhang Mingliang, Executive Vice President of CASWSS presided over the meeting

Afterwards, the eighth meeting of the second council was organized. The meeting listened to President Feng Xiaoli's presentation on the key work achievements of the Second Council of the CASWSS and reported the work of the Association in 2022 to all council members. She pointed out that the year 2022 is key to the country to promote the high-quality development of social welfare and elderly service during the 14th Five-Year Plan period. Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Association earnestly implemented the work arrangements made by the national strategy of positive response to population ageing, took priority in optimizing services, cultivating brands, and coodinating development while being led by Party Building. With the guidance of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs as well as related goverment departments, CASWSS has integrated the concept of positive ageing and healthy ageing into its key work, focused on the development needs of the industry, innovated and expanded service channels, strengthened its service capacity and advanced the quality and efficiency of services. The Association has thus successfully completed the following key tasks in the year of 2022:


1. Strengthening Party Building and Enhancing Core Leadership. In 2022, under the guidance of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs, the party branch of the association actively carried out the critical action on enhancing the work quality of party building, earnestly studied and carried on the principle of the 20th CPC National Congress, actively participated in targeted assistance to bolster rural revitalization, continued to promote the deep integration of party building and business work, displaying the core leadership of the CASWSS party branch in promoting the high-quality development of the association.

2. Strengthening Service Brands Building and Boosting the Development of the Industry. In 2022, the association actively cooperated with the work deployment of government departments, focused on the needs of the industry, and carried out solid work on the construction of standardization building of elderly services, empowering elderly service institutions and helping address their difficulties, and the construction of professional talents team. Firstly, the association innovated the formulation and revision of group standards urgently needed by the industry, and organised a team of experts to revise and improve Occupational Skill Standard for Elderly Care Personnel(Part 1: Vocational Skill Requirements, Part 2: Training Requirements and Part 3: Comprehensive Evaluation Requirements), researched and developed Occupational Skill Grade Standard for Elderly Rehabilitation Service (Part 1: vocational skill requirements, Part 2: Training requirement, Part 3: Comprehensive evaluation requirements)Occupational Skill Grade Standard for Elderly Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Care (Part 1: vocational skill requirements). The 7 standards mentioned above were officially released and implemented, providing effective technical support for the cultivation of new types of business of elderly services and accelerated the cultivation of professional skill talents for elderly services. Secondly, the association actively cooperated with the work deployment of government departments to help address difficulties and inject impetus for elderly service institutions. CASWSS organized the special cloud meeting themed by 'Unite as One in Response to the Pandemic and Join Hands to March forward—to Help Boost Development of and Tackle Challenges Faced by Senior Care Organizations ' in a timely manner. "The "Online Symposium on Empowerment and Expansion of Provincial and Municipal Elderly Care Service Associations" was held, as well as the Join Hands to Respond to the Pandemic and ‘Tackle Challenges, Inject Impetus to Our Development’: 2022 Non-Profit Training Classes and two public service training sessions on "Youthfulness in the Elderly Care Business - Experience Sharing of Young Talents", which boosted the confidence of the industry, inspired colleagues, and provided strong support for the enhancement of industrial quality and efficiency and the empowerment of the elderly care service industry. Thirdly, we have carried out innovative research on the service model of elderly care services and officially launched the research on the service model of elderly tourism to expand new types of business. Fourthly, we strengthened the cultivation of brand enterprises in the elderly service industry and launched a special report on "The Elderly Service Industry Bears Fruit - 100 Brand Enterprises Display Their Charms" in the magazine of the Association, Welfare China, to showcase the spirit and brand cultivation achievements of the elderly service industry under the three-year epidemic. Fifthly, CASWSS has achieved fine outcomes in international cooperation. In 2022, the Association actively expanded international cooperation and had extensive exchanges and cooperation with governmental organizations, social organizations and enterprises in France, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, South Korea and Japan, etc., in the field of social welfare and elderly care services, which has achieved fine outcomes.


3. CASWSS has bear distinctive fruits in welfare culture building. In 2022, the association used its official website and Welfare China magazine as platforms to effectively promote the construction of welfare culture, with the idea of "holding high the banner, gathering the people's hearts, nurturing new talents, promoting culture and displaying the image". Specially in the columns of the magazine Welfare China, "The Family of Welfare" and "The Voice of Welfare", CASWSS has presented the special report, "Youthful is the Elderly Care Cause-100 Young Talents’, which focused on the excellent deeds of the new generation of senior citizens, telling vivid stories of youth on the journey of elderly care. With vivid examples, it encouraged more young people to understand, dedicate themselves to and fall in love with the cause of elderly care, so as to contribute to the improvement of older persons’ well-being and social harmony.


4. Focusing on the needs of the industry, CASWSS branches' service capacity was significantly enhanced. The Children Welfare and Protection Service Branch and the Community-Based Home Elderly Care Branch actively cooperated with the Association's overall development, earnestly performed their duties and innovated to expand their business; Beijing Zhongfu Elderly Culture and Technology Co. Ltd. overcame the difficulties brought by Covid-19, united in solidarity and carried out the pilot projects with full efforts, achieving outstanding results in their work. The work team has matured through thick and thins with their service capacity further improved, delivering well social and economic benefits for CASWSS.


5. Strengthening capacity building and enhancing development momentum. The leadership team of the association strictly abided by the Charter, continuously strengthened system construction, attached great importance to the work of the general election, strictly followed the relevant requirements of the Central and State Organs Working Committee for the general election of industrial associations, actively promoted the preparatory work for the general election of the association, completed the declaration of various materials required for approval for the general election. After the official approval, the leadership organized the third general assembly of CASWSS members and completed the general election. The membership management model has been innovated as well. CASWSS has focused on the aspects of strengthening infrastructure building, improving membership management system, enhanced the mechanism of communication and coordination to refine the needs of member services, thus advancing the ways of services for CASWSS members. The association has also further strengthened its team building and scientific management to promote its sustainable development.


On behalf of the association's leadership team, President Feng Xiaoli expressed her heartfelt thanks to all the directors present for their full support towards the association's work over the past year.


In accordance with the agenda of the meeting, the General Assembly deliberated item by item the Key Areas of the Work of CASWSS in the Year 2023, Financial Report of CASWSS in the Year 2022, Budget of CASWSS in the Year 2023, Proposal of CASWSS to Adjust the Expert Consultation Committee on Social Welfare/Elderly Services, Proposal of CASWSS for the Postponement of the General Election of the Second Council, Proposal of CASWSS for the Tenth China International Senior Services Expo, Proposed List of New Executive Council Members, Council Members and Members of the Second Council of CASWSS. The proposals above were approved through voting by a show of hands. Secretary General Han Hua read out the resolution of the Council to the General Assembly, and scrutineer Feng Liwei announced to the General Assembly that the number of participants was in accordance with the provisions of the Association's charter, the process of deliberation of the proposals was standardized and orderly, and the meeting was true and effective.


The 15th Executive Council of the 2nd Council and the 8th Session of the 2nd Council of CASWSS were a complete success.
