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Founding Assembly of Professional Talents Team Building Branch Successfully Held


On 6 May, during The 9th China International Senior Services Expo (CISSE), China Association of Social Welfare and Senior Service (CASWSS) hosted the Founding Assembly of Professional Talents Team Building Branch.

Inauguration Ceremony of the Branch

Vice President of CASWSS, Secretary of the Party Committee of Changsha Social Work College, Director of the Branch Preparation Group attend the Founding Assembly and delivered a report on preparatory work.

Li Jianjun, Vice President of CASWSS attended the meeting and delivered a congratulatory address.

Former President of National Academy of Education Administration attended the meeting and delivered a speech

Chen Dongsheng, Executive Vice Secretary General of CASWSS and Vice Director of the Branch Preparation Group attended the Founding Assembly and read the approval for the founding of the branch. 

Huang Yansong, Vice Director of Branch Preparation Group and Director of the Medical School of Changsha Social Work College read the Resolution of the meeting.

Li Jing, Vice Secretary General of CASWSS presided over the forum.

At the assembly, Li Bin, Director of the Branch Preparation Group and Secretary of the Party Committee of Changsha Social Work College delivered a report on the preparatory work of founding the branch. Chen Dongsheng, Executive Vice Secretary General of CASWSS read the Reply of Agreement on Preparing for the Foundation of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch. The Assembly deliberated and approved the proposals of Voting Method and List of Scrutineers for the Election of the First General Assembly of the Branch Members, the Work Procedure of the Branch, the List of Suggested Members of the First Council of the Branch, the Full List of the First Session of Branch Members, the Suggested List of Candidates for Honorary President, President, Executive President, Vice President and Secretary General of the First Council of the Branch, the Three Year Plan for the Branch. The first general assembly of branch members elected members of the First Council, and the first meeting of the First Council elected Zhang Yiqun as the Honorary President, Li Bin as the President, Chen Dongsheng as the Executive President, Ma Rong, Wang Ting, Deng Xuesong, Tian Qiheng, Xu Hong, Li Jing, Qiu Meiling, Song Yicheng, Zhang Jianhua, Zhang Zhen, Zhao Guanghong, Ni Chidan, Xu Minli, Gao Shuping, Guo Hengliang, Huang Yansong, Huang Jing, Tu Qilei, Xie Wenxian, Jin Fenglian, Fan Yuhui, Wei Yimin as the Vice Presidents (name are ordered by Surname Strokes), Huang Yansong as the Secretary General, Li Jing as the Executive Secretary Generals, Xu Xiangqian, Pan Guoqing, Zhang Zhikui as Vice Secretary Generals. Huang Yansong, Vice Director of Branch Preparation Group and Director of the Medical School of Changsha Social Work College read the Resolution on the First General Assembly of the Branch, and the Resolution on the First Session of the First Council. The leadership of CASWSS attached high importance on the founding of the Professional Talents Team Building Branch. Feng Xiaoli, President of CASWSS showed great care for the founding of the branch. She guided in person the design of the branch structure, settled the positioning of the branch’s functions, and promoted the preparatory work. At the Founding Assembly, Li Jianjun, Vice President of CASWSS, on behalf of President Feng Xiaoli and Executive Vice President Zhang Mingliang, delivered a congratulatory address. In his speech, he extended warm congratulations to the founding of the Professional Talents Team Building Branch, and pointed out that for a long period, the elderly service cause has been regarded as a major project related to people’s livelihood, and has won the care from the Party Committee as well as government departments of all levels, wide attention from the society, and eager expectations from the public. As population ageing in China keeps deepening, the demand pattern of older persons is transiting from a subsisting pattern to a developing pattern, and the industry needs a large group of staff with high technical level. Since its foundation, CASWSS has taken elderly service talents cultivation as an important job, and has achieved fine results. To earnestly implement the related national policies of deepening vocational education reform, actively promote the integration of industry with education and cooperation between enterprises and colleges in the elderly service field, and better apply the pilot project of vocational technical grade certificate to advance the integration of classes with certificates for elderly service talents cultivation, and to innovate the service model of elderly service talents cultivation. The founding of CASWSS professional talents team building is of great significance, which would boost the innovation and development of vocational education in elderly services, and display an important role in optimizing the teaching system, curriculum system, as well as teacher system and accelerating the cultivation of technical talents. CASWSS earnestly expect that scientific R&D institutions, vocational schools, training institutions and industrial enterprises would enjoy deep integration, shared resources, complementary advantages and cooperation and development, so as to make joint contribution to promoting education reform and talents service construction for the elderly service sector. Zhang Yiqun, Honorary President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and Former President of National Academy of Education Administration said in his speech that the founding of professional talents team building branch and the holding of this forum has opened a window to pool wisdom and collaborate through mutual learning. He hoped that with the joint efforts of the industrial colleagues, we would together contribute our share to elderly service talents team building. The founding of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch is a concrete action to implement the national strategy of actively responding to population ageing. The branch would better cooperate with relevant government departments in the work of elderly service talents team building, continue to advance the structure of elderly service talents team, improve the quality of the talents team and play its due role in advancing the high-quality development of the elderly service sector.

The site of the forum.

After the conclusion of the Founding Assembly, the Forum on Elderly Service Vocational Skill Talents Team Building was held. The forum was jointly hosted by CASWSS and Changsha Social Work College, organized by CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch, Health and Nursing Institute of Hangzhou Normal University and Beijing Zhongfu Elderly Culture and Technology Co., Ltd., and was co-organized by Hunan Traditional Chinese Medical Colleg, Laiwu Vocational and Technical College, Chongqing Three Gorges Medical College, Nursing College of Guilin Medical University and Haiyanbanger Hospital Co., Ltd. Nearly 20 specialists and scholars from China and abroad shared their latest theory research, experiences and innovative practices in talents team building. The forum was hosted by Li Jing, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch.

Li Bin, Vice President of CASWSS delivered a speech.

Guest speakers Volkmar Meinhold, Xu Hong and Jin Fenglian delivered speeches

On the forum, Li Bin, Vice President of CASWSS delivered a speech themed by Implementing ‘Education-Industry and Science-Education Integration’, Exploring the Practice of Intelligent Elderly Care Education. Volkmar Meinhold, Chairman of F+U Sachsen gGmbH delivered a speech themed by The requirements for future nursing education in the context of the Sino-German Eldercare Project, Xu Hong, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and President of Health and Nursing Institute of Hangzhou Normal University delivered a speech themed by Endeavor towards a Healthy Future: Health and Nursing Research Institute of Hangzhou Normal University: Six years of exploration. Jin Fenglian, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaocheng Vocational and Technical College delivered a speech themed by Serving the Elderly to Create a High Ground for Talent Training.

Guest Speakers Wei Yimin,  Tian Lanning, Li Weiyan and Ma Rong delivered speeches

Wei Yimin, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and Vice General Manager and Chief Technical Manager of Beijing Zhongfu Elderly Culture and Technology delivered a speech themed by Introduction to the Achievements made by the Pilot Project of 1+X Elderly Care Vocational Technical Grade Certificate. Tian Lanning, Vice President of CASWSS delivered a speech themed by the Vocational Development and Service Quality Control for Elderly Capability Assessors--Challenges, Opportunities and Vision, Li Weiyan, Vice Director of Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau and Assistant Professor delivered a speech themed by the Construction and Vision of Elderly Care Talents Cultivation System. Ma Rong, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch, President of Heilongjiang Provincial Elderly Care Talents League and Secretary of the Party Committee of Heilongjiang Civil Affairs Vocational Technical School delivered a speech themed by Innovation Promotes the Heilongjiang Elderly Service Talents Team Building in the New Era.

Guest Speakers Xu Jie, Guo Hengliang, Xu Jian and Zhao Guang Hong delivered speeches

Xu Jie, Chairman of Zhongdenuohao (Beijing) Education and Technology Inc. delivered a speech themed by Diversified Linkage, Industry-Education Integration, Creating a New Paradigm for the Training of Highly Competent and Skilled Talents. Guo Hengliang, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and Vice Secretary General of Chongqing Pension Service Association delivered a speech themed by the Vocational Vision and Future Development of the Elderly Service Colleagues. Xu Jian, Vice President of Faculty of Social Work of The Open University of China. Zhao Guanghong, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch and Vice President of Wuhan City College delivered a speech themed by Research on Elderly Nursing Professional Talents Cultivation Model Based on the 1+X Certificate System.

Guest Speakers Zhou Wei, Xu Minli, Liu Jie and Zuo Fenglin delivered speeches

Zhou Wei, Vice President and Secretary General of Zhejiang Provincial Elderly Service Association delivered a speech themed by Displaying the Role of Industrial Associations in Improving Technical Talents Competences. Xu Minli, Vice President of CASWSS Professional Talents Team Building Branch, Vice President of Shaanxi Provincial Association of Social Welfare and Senior Service and Director of Xi’an Elderly Rehabilitation Center delivered a speech themed by Path and Methods for Elderly Service Talents Cultivation. Liu Jie, Vice President of Hunan Traditional Chinese Medical College delivered a speech themed by Exploration on Elderly Service Vocational Skill Talents Cultivation through Cooperation of Administration-Industry-University-Enterprise. Zuo Fenglin, Director of the Nursing School of Chongqing Three Gorges Medical College delivered a speech themed by Practice of Three Gorges Medical College on Comprehensive Education of Elderly Service Major through Positions, Courses, Competitions and Certificates.

Guest Speakers Li Dongmei, Zhang Xiaotao and Liu Lijun delivered speeches

Li Dongmei, Professor of Nursing College of Guiln Medical University and Vice Director of Health and Nursing Institute of Hangzhou Normal University delivered a speech themed by the Five-Year Practice and Exploration of Senior Group on the Pilot Project of 1+X Elderly Care Vocational Technical Grade Certificate. Zhang Xiaotao, Director of Medical Technique and Nursing School of Laiwu Vocational and Technical College and President and Professor of Elderly Welfare College delivered a speech themed by Government, School, Industry and Enterprises Gather for a New High Ground of Vocational Education and a New Chapter of Integrated Education. Liu Lijun, Vice General Manager of Beijing Zhongmin Welfare Education and Technology Co., Ltd. delivered a speech themed by 1+X: New Models of Evaluation on Elderly Service Talents Cultivation. Meanwhile, to further promote the rapid integration between vocational colleges with the industry and set an innovative development model of human resources for the elderly service sector so as to build up a communication mechanism between educators and employers, effectively relieve the structural employment conflicts in the elderly service sector and promote talents exchange as well as employment, The 9th China International Senior Services Expo specially held an Elderly Service Professional Talents Recruitment Fair. Vocational colleges and industrial brand enterprises participating in the Expo conducted deep communication and exchanges.

Elderly Service Professional Talents Recruitment Fair
